Who Can Qualify For Centrelink $1,296.09 Advance Payment 2024: Know Eligibility & Payment Details

By John Leo

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Who Can Qualify For Centrelink $1,296.09 Advance Payment 2024

The Australian Government provides various financial support programs through Centrelink, including advance payments to help families manage their financial needs.

One such advance payment in 2024 is the $1,296.09 advance payout, available to eligible families under the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) scheme.

This article will guide you through the specifics of this advance payment, including who qualifies, how it works, and important payment details.

Centrelink $1,296.09 Advance Payment 2024

The $1,296.09 Centrelink advance payment is part of the Family Tax Benefit Part A program, designed to provide families with financial assistance for raising their children.

This one-time advance payment is specifically available to families who meet certain criteria, offering immediate financial relief without causing long-term financial strain.

The advance payment is particularly helpful in covering unexpected expenses that might arise in a family’s budget.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the $1,296.09 advance payment, families must meet several criteria. These criteria are based on the income, residency status, and specific conditions related to the children for whom the benefit is claimed.

General Eligibility

  • Children’s Age: The payment applies to families with children aged 0 to 15 years. For children aged 16 to 19, they must be enrolled in full-time secondary education or meet other acceptable study requirements.
  • Residency Requirements: Both the applicant and their children must meet certain residency conditions. The applicant can be an Australian citizen, a permanent visa holder, or hold a special category or specific temporary visa. The children must also hold a similar residency status.
  • Parental Care: The applicant must be responsible for the care of the child for at least 35% of the time.
  • Immunisation: The child must meet the required immunisation standards to be eligible for the payment.

Income Limits

Income plays a crucial role in determining eligibility for the Family Tax Benefit and the associated advance payment:

  • Full Family Tax Benefit: Families with an income of $65,189 or less will receive the full benefit.
  • Reduced Benefits: For incomes between $65,189 and $115,997, the payment reduces by 20 cents for each dollar above the threshold. For incomes above $115,997, the reduction is 30 cents per dollar.
  • Base Rate Income Limits: Depending on the age and number of children, different income thresholds apply for receiving the base rate of the Family Tax Benefit.
Number of ChildrenAge of ChildrenIncome Limit
10-12 Years$84,845
113-15 or 16-19 Years$93,550
20-12 Years$104,500
213-15 or 16-19 Years$113,205

Additional Criteria

  • Previous Payments: Families must have been receiving any of the following payments for at least three months to qualify for the advance payment: Age Pension, Carer Payment, Disability Support Pension, Farm Household Allowance, JobSeeker Payment, Parenting Payment, or Youth Allowance for job seekers.

Payment Details

The $1,296.09 advance payment is a one-time payment based on the Family Tax Benefit Part A. Here’s a breakdown of the payment structure:

Regular and Maximum Rates

  • Fortnightly Base Rate: $71.26 per child.
  • Maximum Fortnightly Rate:
    • 0-12 Years: $222.04
    • 13-15 Years: $288.82
    • 16-19 Years: $288.82

Supplement Rates

The supplement rates for Family Tax Benefit Part A are adjusted annually. Here are the recent figures:

  • 2024-2025 Annual Supplement Rate: $916.15
  • 2023-2024 Annual Supplement Rate: $879.65

Advance Payment Options

There are two main advance payment options under the Family Tax Benefit Part A:

  • Regular Advance: Up to 3.75% of the standard rate, with a maximum amount of $1,348.81.
  • One-Off Advance: Up to 7.5% of the annual rate, with a maximum payment of $1,296.09.

This one-off advance is designed to provide significant financial assistance in a single payout, offering families immediate relief without the need to apply separately for multiple payments.

The $1,296.09 Centrelink advance payment for 2024 is a valuable resource for families eligible under the Family Tax Benefit Part A.

It provides a financial cushion for families facing unexpected expenses, ensuring that they can manage their household budgets effectively. To ensure you receive this payment, check your eligibility and consider how it aligns with your family’s financial needs.


Who is eligible for the $1,296.09 advance payment?

Families receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A who meet income, residency, and child care requirements.

How is the advance payment calculated?

It’s based on 7.5% of the annual Family Tax Benefit Part A rate.

Can I receive this advance payment if I recently moved to Australia?

New residents must have been in Australia for at least one year to qualify.

When will the payment be made?

Payments are scheduled based on your existing Centrelink payment cycle.

Do I need to apply separately for this payment?

No, eligible families will automatically receive the advance if they meet the criteria.

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