Nehawu Salary Increase 2024 – Will Salaries Rise This Year or Not?

By Noah Davis

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H.E Cyril Ramaphosa

The National Education Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) has been in the spotlight due to its ongoing disputes with the government over wage increases. These disputes have raised questions about whether NEHAWU members will see a salary increase in 2024. Let’s cut into the latest developments and look into what is known so far.


Earlier this year, NEHAWU, along with other trade unions, went on strike to protest wage disagreements with the government. While many trade unions signed the government’s offer of a wage adjustment for the 2024/2025 fiscal year, NEHAWU chose not to. The union insisted that the wage dispute from the previous year needed to be settled before signing any new agreements.

This tension stems from past disputes about wage increases, particularly the 3% increment in 2022/2023, which NEHAWU deemed insufficient. The union has argued that it cannot negotiate future wage increases while unresolved issues from previous years persist.

Salary Increase in 2024

At the heart of the issue is NEHAWU’s refusal to sign the 2024 wage increase agreement, despite other unions accepting an average 7.5% salary raise for the 2024/2025 financial year. NEHAWU’s stance is rooted in the belief that the 2022/2023 wage increase was below the Consumer Price Index (CPI), making it crucial to address that before moving forward.

One of NEHAWU’s primary concerns is the 4.7% increase offered by the government. The union argues that much of this increase stems from converting a R1,000 cash gratuity into a baseline percentage, effectively reducing the real increase to just 0.5%. NEHAWU maintains that this would unfairly disadvantage workers, especially those on lower salary levels.

Despite these disagreements, most other unions, including POPCRU, DENOSA, and SAPU, accepted the offer and signed the agreement in March 2024. NEHAWU, however, continued its strike to demand further negotiations.

Strike and Negotiations

NEHAWU’s strike, which began on March 6, 2024, was intended to push for better wage increases and to bring attention to unresolved issues from the 2022/2023 negotiations. Although the government and the union met several times during the strike, an agreement was not immediately reached.

On March 13, 2024, NEHAWU intensified its strike, signaling its commitment to resolving the dispute. After continued pressure, an agreement was reached to negotiate the wages for 2022/2024, addressing NEHAWU’s earlier concerns. However, this did not resolve the 2024 wage increase issue, leaving the future salary adjustment uncertain.

Future Possibilities

While NEHAWU has not signed the 2024 wage increase agreement, the 7.5% raise accepted by other unions will go into effect for many public sector workers. NEHAWU’s refusal to sign means its members’ salary increases are still in limbo until the union and the government reach a compromise.

Despite these ongoing negotiations, NEHAWU did sign a 7% wage increase agreement for water utility workers with the South African Association of Water Utilities in August 2024. This shows the union’s willingness to engage in wage negotiations in certain sectors, though public sector salary disputes remain unresolved.

YearAverage Salary Increase (Signed by other Unions)NEHAWU Salary Increase Status
2024/20257.5%Not yet agreed

2022/2023 Wage Dispute

The conflict traces back to the 2022/2023 financial year, when the government implemented a 3% wage increase. NEHAWU, along with other unions, felt that this increment was insufficient, especially during a time when inflation was rising. The union argued that the wage increase fell below the CPI and failed to address the financial needs of public sector workers.

To complicate matters, the government’s decision to convert the R1,000 cash gratuity into a 4.2% baseline increase for pensionable earnings further frustrated the union. NEHAWU argued that this move would disadvantage workers, particularly those at lower salary levels.

What is NEHAWU?

Established in 1987, NEHAWU is one of South Africa’s largest trade unions, representing workers in health, education, social welfare, and government sectors. NEHAWU is affiliated with COSATU and has a significant presence in South Africa’s labor movement. The union is known for its strong stance on workers’ rights and wage negotiations.

NEHAWU is headquartered in Johannesburg, with Mike Shingange serving as the current president and Nyameka Macanda as the first deputy president. The union has played a critical role in advocating for fair wages and better working conditions for its members.

What’s Next?

The future of NEHAWU’s salary increase in 2024 remains uncertain. The union’s insistence on resolving previous wage disputes has delayed its participation in the 2024/2025 wage increase agreement. However, negotiations are ongoing, and a resolution could still be reached.

For now, NEHAWU members will have to wait and see if the union and the government can come to an agreement that meets the needs of public sector workers.


Did NEHAWU agree to a 2024 salary increase?

No, NEHAWU did not sign the 2024 wage agreement.

What salary increase did other unions accept in 2024?

Other unions accepted a 7.5% salary increase for 2024/2025.

Why did NEHAWU refuse the 2024 wage increase offer?

NEHAWU wanted to resolve the 2022 wage dispute before signing a new deal.

What was the 2022/2023 wage increase for public workers?

The government offered a 3% wage increase in 2022/2023.

Is NEHAWU still negotiating for a wage increase?

Yes, negotiations are ongoing to resolve the 2022 wage dispute.

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