How Can Canadians Claim $264.41 Child Benefits In 2024: Know Claim Process & More Details

By John Leo

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How Can Canadians Claim $264.41 Child Benefits In 2024

The Canadian Child Benefit (CCB) is an essential financial support program designed to assist families with the costs of raising children.

In 2024, the CCB will see an increase, providing additional funds to help offset rising living costs.

This guide outlines everything you need to know about the $264.41 increase, how it affects your benefits, and the steps you need to take to claim this amount.

Overview of the $264.41 Child Benefits

What Is the Child Benefit?

The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age.

The CCB is managed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and is adjusted annually based on inflation and other economic factors.

What’s New in 2024?

Due to the rising cost of living and adjustments in the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), the CCB payment has been increased. The upcoming payments will reflect this change, with an additional $264.41 being added to the benefit.

This increase is designed to provide further financial relief to families during these economically challenging times.

How Much Will You Receive?

Monthly Payments

The amount you receive under the CCB depends on several factors, including your family’s income, the number of children, and their ages. Here’s a breakdown of the updated amounts:

  • For children under 6 years: The regular payment of $171.75 will see an increase, bringing the total benefit to $436.16 per month.
  • For children aged 6 to 17 years: The regular payment of $295 will be increased to $559.41 per month.

Child Disability Benefit

Families with a disabled child will receive an additional Child Disability Benefit. This supplementary payment is $1,127 per month, with the $264.41 increase bringing the total to $1,391.41. This extra assistance aims to help cover the additional costs associated with caring for a disabled child.

How to Claim the $264.41 Child Benefit Increase in 2024

Step 1: Ensure Tax Credits Are Filed

To be eligible for the CCB and the additional $264.41, you must have filed your tax returns for the previous year. The CRA uses your income information from your tax return to calculate your benefit amount, so it’s crucial to ensure your taxes are up-to-date.

Step 2: Check for Pending Tax Returns

Ensure there are no pending tax returns or outstanding tax issues that could affect your eligibility. Any discrepancies or delays in filing could result in a delay in receiving your benefits.

Step 3: Update Your Information

Make sure all your personal information, such as your address, marital status, and the number of children, is updated in the “My Account” portal on the CRA website. Accurate information ensures that your benefits are calculated correctly and that you receive the correct amount.

Step 4: Provide Your Insurance Number

Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is required to receive the CCB payments. Ensure that this information is correctly provided during the registration process.

Step 5: Monitor Your Payments

If you are already receiving monthly payments from the CRA, you should automatically receive the updated amount with the $264.41 increase. You can monitor the status of your payments through the CRA’s “My Account” portal.

Important Considerations

Custody Arrangements

If a child is under shared custody, the CCB payments will be split between the parents, with each receiving 50% of the benefit. Make sure to update any changes in custody arrangements with the CRA to ensure payments are made correctly.

Orphaned Children and Teenagers

Children under orphanage care or teenagers over 18 years old who are still eligible for benefits will also receive the increased amount. Ensure that their status is updated with the CRA to reflect the appropriate benefits.

Additional Provincial Support

Some provinces offer additional support on top of the federal CCB. The increase may also apply to these provincial benefits, providing even more financial assistance to families in need.

How to Check Your Payment Status

Online Portal

You can check the status of your CCB payments, including the $264.41 increase, by logging into the CRA’s “My Account” portal. This platform provides detailed information on your payment history, upcoming payments, and any adjustments to your benefits.

CRA Contact Options

For those who prefer direct communication, the CRA offers customer support through phone and WhatsApp, allowing you to inquire about your payments and resolve any issues that may arise.

The $264.41 increase in the Canada Child Benefit for 2024 is a significant financial boost for Canadian families. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that you receive the full benefit amount and take advantage of this valuable support.

Whether you’re managing everyday expenses or dealing with the additional costs of raising a child with a disability, this increase will help ease the financial burden.


How do I know if I’m eligible for the $264.41 increase?

Eligibility is based on your income, the number of children, and their ages. Ensure your tax returns are filed and your information is updated with the CRA.

When will the $264.41 increase be reflected in my payments?

The increase will be implemented in the upcoming months, starting with your next payment after the adjustment.

What should I do if my personal information changes?

Update your information immediately on the CRA’s “My Account” portal to ensure your payments are accurate.

Can I receive this benefit if I have shared custody of my child?

Yes, but the benefit will be split between the parents, with each receiving 50% of the total amount.

How can I check the status of my CCB payments?

You can monitor your payments through the CRA’s “My Account” portal or contact their customer service for assistance.

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