DWP Announces Pension Schemes Bill 2024 – £11,000 Increase Projected for Pensioners

By Noah Davis

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DWP Announces Pension Schemes Bill 2024 - £11,000 Increase Projected for Pensioners

The Pension Schemes Bill, introduced by King Charles at the state opening of Parliament on July 17, marks a pivotal moment in the UK’s approach to retirement savings. This significant piece of legislation aims to transform the pension landscape, potentially adding over £11,000 to the pension pots of savers by the time they retire. The primary goal of this bill is to enhance the efficiency and value of the private pension market, ensuring better outcomes for all members.


Despite the success of auto-enrolment, which has significantly increased the number of people saving for retirement, many still face challenges. Notably, a large portion of the population isn’t saving enough to ensure a comfortable retirement.

The varying performance of pension schemes further complicates the situation, often leading to suboptimal outcomes for many savers. The Pension Schemes Bill is designed to tackle these issues head-on by creating a more streamlined, effective, and secure pension system focused on delivering long-term value.


The Pension Schemes Bill, also referred to as the Pension Payment Bill, is a comprehensive legislative proposal aimed at reforming and improving the pension system across the country. The bill’s primary objectives include enhancing the value and security of pension savings, ensuring better management of pension schemes, and addressing various challenges related to retirement savings.


One of the bill’s significant measures is the consolidation of small pension pots. Throughout their careers, many individuals accumulate multiple small pension pots from different jobs, making it easy to lose track of their retirement savings.

The bill introduces a mechanism to merge these small pots into a single, larger pension pot. This consolidation simplifies the management of retirement savings, making it easier for individuals to keep track of their funds and potentially increase their overall retirement income.

Value Framework

Another critical component of the bill is the introduction of a value-for-money framework. This framework ensures that all pension schemes deliver good value for the money invested by members. A standardized test will be introduced, which pension schemes must pass to demonstrate they offer good value. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will oversee the application of this framework across all types of pension schemes, ensuring consistent and fair value delivery.

Income Solutions

The bill also addresses the need for reliable retirement income solutions. Rather than just offering a lump sum of savings upon retirement, pension schemes will be required to provide various retirement income solutions. These solutions include default investment options designed to provide secure and predictable income for retirees, helping them maintain financial stability throughout their retirement years.

Defined Benefit

For members of closed legacy Defined Benefit (DB) schemes, the bill offers greater protection through the consolidation of these schemes into commercial superfunds. These superfunds are better equipped to manage risks and provide secure benefits, ensuring that DB scheme members receive the retirement income they expect.

Legal Provisions

The bill also introduces several legal provisions to enhance consumer protection. One such provision reaffirms the Pensions Ombudsman as a competent court for enforcing decisions related to overpayment recovery, eliminating the need for traditional court applications. Additionally, the bill extends the definition of “terminal illness,” allowing eligible members to receive lump sum payments earlier, providing financial relief when it is most needed.

Expected Outcomes

The Pension Schemes Bill is expected to significantly impact retirement savings in the UK. By focusing on the consolidation of small pension pots, value for money, and structured retirement income solutions, the bill aims to create a more efficient and reliable pension system.

Government estimates suggest that these measures could lead to around 9% higher pension pots at retirement for an average earner, translating to a potential boost of over £11,000 in their retirement savings.

Despite the success of auto-enrolment, the government acknowledges the persistent issue of undersaving for retirement. With approximately four in ten working-age individuals not saving enough for a comfortable retirement, the need for further reforms is clear

The wide variation in performance across different pension providers further underscores the importance of this legislation. Without intervention, poor investment performance could have a detrimental effect on retirement savings, making the proposed reforms crucial for ensuring better outcomes for all pension savers.

The Pension Schemes Bill represents a significant step toward improving the UK’s retirement savings landscape. By addressing key challenges and introducing new measures to enhance value, security, and income solutions, this legislation has the potential to transform the way individuals save for retirement, ultimately leading to better financial outcomes for millions of people.


What is the Pension Schemes Bill?

A legislative proposal to improve UK pension savings.

How does the bill help savers?

It could add £11,000+ to pension pots by retirement.

What is the value-for-money framework?

A test ensuring pension schemes deliver good value.

Will small pension pots be merged?

Yes, to simplify management and boost savings.

Does the bill offer legal protections?

Yes, including easier overpayment recovery.

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