Will NEHAWU Members Get A Salary Increase In 2024? Know Details

By John Leo

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Will NEHAWU Members Get A Salary Increase In 2024

The National Education Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) has been at the forefront of wage disputes with the South African government, advocating for better pay for public sector workers. As we head into 2024, many are asking:

Will the salary at NEHAWU increase in 2024? This article dives into the details of the ongoing negotiations, strikes, and agreements related to NEHAWU’s salary increase.

NEHAWU Salary Increase 2024

In early 2024, NEHAWU, along with other trade unions, went on strike due to unresolved wage disputes. These disputes mainly revolve around wage adjustments for the 2022/2024 financial year.

While many trade unions accepted the government’s wage offer for 2024/2024, NEHAWU did not sign the agreement. Their refusal stemmed from concerns over unresolved issues related to the previous year’s wage settlement.

Why Did NEHAWU Not Sign the 2024 Agreement?

NEHAWU’s decision not to sign the 2024 wage agreement is rooted in their dissatisfaction with the 2022/2024 wage increase, which was only 3%—far below the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

According to NEHAWU, this increase was insufficient to keep up with inflation and was unfair to workers.

They demanded that the 2022/2024 wage issue be settled before negotiating wages for the 2024/2025 financial year.

The government, however, proceeded with negotiations for the 2024/2024 wage increase and reached an agreement with most trade unions for an average 7.5% salary increase. NEHAWU, along with other unions like POPCRU, DENOSA, and SAPU, did not sign the agreement.

Will NEHAWU Salaries Increase in 2024?

The salary increase for NEHAWU members in 2024 remains uncertain. NEHAWU’s refusal to sign the 7.5% increase agreement for the 2024/2024 financial year means their members have not yet secured a wage adjustment for 2024.

NEHAWU’s focus remains on resolving the 3% wage increase dispute from the 2022/2024 financial year before engaging in discussions about future wage increases.

NEHAWU’s spokesperson emphasized that the union cannot negotiate a new wage increase without first addressing the unresolved issues from the previous year. As a result, salary negotiations for 2024 are still ongoing, with NEHAWU pushing for more favorable terms.

Key Points on NEHAWU’s Stance:

  • NEHAWU is committed to resolving the 3% increase issue before agreeing to any new wage deals.
  • The 7.5% wage increase offered by the government in the 2024/2024 financial year was signed by most unions, but not by NEHAWU.
  • The government’s offer includes converting a R1000 cash gratuity into a 4.2% baseline increase, which NEHAWU claims only results in a 0.5% actual increase for employees.
  • NEHAWU’s strike in March 2024 was part of their effort to push for better wage deals and to negotiate the previous year’s wages.

Recent Developments in NEHAWU’s Wage Negotiations

After months of strikes and disputes, NEHAWU signed a 7% wage increase agreement with the South African Association of Water Utilities (SAAWU) on August 3, 2024.

This agreement is specific to workers in the water utilities sector, showing that while NEHAWU has resisted government wage offers in the public sector, it has successfully negotiated salary increases in other sectors.

NEHAWU’s 7% Increase in Water Utilities

SectorWage Increase
Water Utilities7%

The Impact of Previous Wage Disputes

The wage disputes NEHAWU faced were not isolated to the 2022/2024 financial year. In 2020/2021, public sector workers also experienced a significant wage reduction due to changes in the employer’s decisions regarding wage implementation under Resolution 1 of 2018.

This decision was made during the COVID-19 pandemic, which worsened the situation for many workers.

Additionally, NEHAWU’s dissatisfaction with the government offering only 4.7% during ongoing wage negotiations in 2024 also escalated the union’s concerns. NEHAWU argued that this offer only reflected the conversion of a cash gratuity into baseline pay, without offering a significant raise.

What to Expect Moving Forward

As of now, there is no official confirmation that NEHAWU members will receive a salary increase in 2024. However, ongoing negotiations and potential resolutions of the 2022/2024 wage dispute may open the door for future wage adjustments.

Public sector employees who are part of other trade unions that signed the 2024/2024 agreement will receive a 7.5% salary increase, but NEHAWU members will need to wait for further developments in negotiations.

NEHAWU’s salary increase for 2024 remains uncertain as the union continues to focus on resolving disputes from the previous financial year.

While other unions have accepted the government’s 7.5% wage increase, NEHAWU has resisted signing the agreement until the 3% wage issue from 2022/2024 is addressed.

Public sector workers in NEHAWU will need to monitor ongoing negotiations to see if a resolution can be reached.

For further updates on the NEHAWU wage increase and other negotiations, it’s recommended to follow the NEHAWU website and the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC).


Did NEHAWU sign the 7.5% wage increase for 2024?

No, NEHAWU did not sign the government’s 7.5% wage increase offer for 2024 due to unresolved issues from the previous year.

What wage increase did NEHAWU secure for 2024?

NEHAWU signed a 7% wage increase with the South African Association of Water Utilities in August 2024.

Why did NEHAWU refuse the 7.5% increase?

NEHAWU refused the 7.5% increase because they wanted to first resolve the 3% wage increase dispute from the 2022/2024 financial year.

Will NEHAWU members get a salary increase in 2024?

As of now, NEHAWU members have not secured a confirmed salary increase for 2024, pending further negotiations.

What is NEHAWU’s main demand?

NEHAWU’s main demand is to resolve the 3% wage increase issue from the 2022/2024 financial year before negotiating any further salary increases.

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