Two Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter – Each Valued at $2.9 Billion and Still in Circulation

By Noah Davis

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1916-D Mercury Dime

Numismatics, the study and collection of currency, is a field that excites both enthusiasts and investors. While most of us handle coins daily without a second thought, some rare coins are worth staggering amounts—up to $2.9 million! In this article, we’ll look into four extraordinary coins: the 1894-S Barber Dime, the 1916-D Mercury Dime, the 1943 Copper Dime, and the rare Bicentennial Quarter.

1894-S Barber Dime

The 1894-S Barber Dime is one of the most legendary coins in American numismatics. Produced in San Francisco, only 24 of these coins were minted, making it a highly coveted item for collectors.


This rare dime was designed by Charles E. Barber, who was the Chief Engraver of the U.S. Mint. The limited mintage of just 24 coins remains a subject of debate, with some speculating that the coins were produced to balance the Mint’s books, while others suggest they were gifts for bankers.


The coin’s obverse features Lady Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap adorned with a laurel wreath. On the reverse, a wreath of agricultural products encircles the denomination “One Dime.” The few surviving specimens are in pristine condition, making them even more desirable.


In 2005, one of these dimes sold for $1.3 million. Today, experts believe that a top-quality 1894-S Barber Dime could sell for up to $2.9 million, driven by its rarity and iconic status.

1916-D Mercury Dime

The 1916-D Mercury Dime, minted in Denver, is one of the most sought-after coins from the Mercury Dime series. With only 264,000 dimes produced, its low mintage has made it a collector’s treasure.


The Mercury Dime replaced the Barber Dime in 1916. The Denver Mint wasn’t initially slated to produce dimes that year but eventually minted a small batch of 264,000 coins to meet demand. This limited production contributed to the coin’s rarity.


The obverse depicts Liberty wearing a winged cap, often compared to the Roman god Mercury. The reverse features a fasces, symbolizing strength and unity, paired with an olive branch representing peace. The artistic beauty and intricate details have made this coin a favorite among collectors.


Circulated versions of the 1916-D Mercury Dime can sell for thousands, while mint-condition coins may fetch six-figure sums. A top-quality specimen could be valued at up to $2.9 million, given its rarity and historical significance.

1943 Copper Dime

The 1943 Copper Dime is a fascinating error coin. During World War II, the U.S. Mint produced steel pennies to conserve copper for the war effort, but a few copper dimes were mistakenly struck that year.


In 1943, the Mint accidentally struck some dimes on leftover copper planchets from 1942. These minting errors went unnoticed until collectors discovered the rare coins years later. The exact number of these copper dimes is unknown, but it is believed to be extremely small.


The 1943 Copper Dime resembles the regular steel pennies of the time, with a profile of Abraham Lincoln on the obverse and the Lincoln Memorial on the reverse. Its copper composition makes it stand out.


Collectors prize this coin for its rarity and the unique circumstances of its creation. A 1943 Copper Dime in excellent condition could be worth as much as $2.9 million.

Rare Bicentennial Quarter

The Bicentennial Quarter was minted in 1976 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the United States. While most of these quarters are common, rare versions with errors or special characteristics can be worth a fortune.


The Bicentennial Quarter features a unique reverse design depicting a Colonial drummer with 13 stars, representing the original colonies. Although millions were produced, some versions of the coin have become highly valuable due to minting errors.


Valuable Bicentennial Quarters are usually those with errors or struck on silver planchets instead of the typical copper-nickel ones. Some may have been struck with unusual die errors, making them even more unique.


While regular Bicentennial Quarters are typically worth only a few dollars, error versions or those struck on silver can reach into the millions. In pristine condition, a rare Bicentennial Quarter could be valued at up to $2.9 million.

CoinMintageKey FeaturesPotential Value
1894-S Barber Dime24Lady Liberty with laurel wreath, pristine conditionUp to $2.9 million
1916-D Mercury Dime264,000Liberty with winged cap, rare Denver mintageUp to $2.9 million
1943 Copper DimeUnknownMinting error, copper composition instead of steelUp to $2.9 million
Rare Bicentennial QuarterMillionsError or silver planchets, unique die errorsUp to $2.9 million

These rare coins offer a glimpse into history, craftsmanship, and the occasional mistakes that make them so valuable. Whether you’re an experienced numismatist or a curious beginner, finding one of these coins would be a truly priceless discovery!


What makes a coin rare?

Coins become rare due to low mintage, minting errors, or unique features.

Can everyday coins be valuable?

Yes, some rare coins or error coins are still in circulation today.

How do I find out if my coin is valuable?

Consult a numismatic expert or use an online valuation tool for an appraisal.

Are all Bicentennial Quarters valuable?

No, only error coins or those struck in silver are worth significant sums.

What is the most valuable dime ever sold?

The 1894-S Barber Dime holds the record, selling for over $1.3 million.

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