$491 & $421 Direct Payment From Social Security In September: Know Eligibility & More Details

By John Leo

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$491 & $421 Direct Payment From Social Security In September

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides essential financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to a qualifying disability.

In addition to workers receiving SSDI, certain family members, such as spouses and children, may also receive benefits based on the worker’s record.

As of September 2024, some of these family members are receiving direct payments of $491 or $421.

$491 & $421 Direct Payment From Social Security In September

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides benefits not just to disabled workers but also to their eligible family members. In particular:

  • Spouses: Eligible spouses of SSDI recipients typically receive an average monthly payment of $421.
  • Children: Eligible children of SSDI recipients usually receive an average monthly payment of $491.

These payments are designed to provide additional financial support to families affected by a worker’s disability, helping to cover essential living expenses.

Average SSDI Payment for Workers

For workers who receive SSDI, the average monthly payment as of July 2024 is about $1,538. This amount has increased slightly from previous months due to cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) and other factors.

The amount each recipient receives can vary based on their earnings history, the severity of their disability, and the length of time they have paid into the Social Security system.

Maximum SSDI Benefit in 2024

Some SSDI recipients may qualify for the maximum monthly benefit, which in 2024 is $3,822. To receive this maximum amount, several criteria must be met:

  • Qualifying Disability: The recipient must have a disability recognized by the SSA.
  • Work History: The recipient must have worked for 35 years.
  • Covered Employment: The jobs held by the recipient must have been covered by Social Security.
  • Timely Filing: The recipient must have filed for benefits at the right time to receive the full amount.
  • Earnings Record: The recipient must have earned the taxable maximum for 35 years.

SSDI Payment Dates in September 2024

SSDI payments are made according to a schedule based on the recipient’s date of birth:

  • September 11: Payment for those born from the 1st to the 10th of any month.
  • September 18: Payment for those born from the 11th to the 20th of any month.
  • September 25: Payment for those born from the 21st to the 31st of any month.

These dates apply to all SSDI beneficiaries, whether they are the disabled worker, a spouse, or a child. It’s important to note that if you receive both Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and SSDI, your next SSI payment will be on October 1, followed by your SSDI payment on October 3.

SSDI provides crucial financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to disability, as well as to their families. Payments of $491 or $421 to eligible children and spouses help ensure that these families can manage their essential expenses.

Understanding the payment schedule and eligibility requirements can help recipients plan their finances effectively and make the most of the benefits available to them.


Who qualifies for the $491 or $421 SSDI payments?

Spouses typically receive $421, while eligible children receive $491 from SSDI.

What is the average SSDI payment for workers?

The average SSDI payment for workers with a disability is about $1,538 per month.

When are the SSDI payments in September 2024?

Payments are on September 11, 18, and 25, depending on the recipient’s birth date.

How can I qualify for the maximum SSDI payment?

To qualify, you must have a qualifying disability, worked for 35 years, held jobs covered by Social Security, filed at the right time, and earned the taxable maximum for 35 years.

When will SSI and SSDI recipients receive their next payments?

SSI payments are on October 1, and SSDI payments are on October 3.

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